Welcome to the website of the Dutch T1 Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Working Group The Dutch T1 CRC Working group Group is a collaboration between gastroenterologists, surgeons and pathologists. With this multidisciplinary multicenter collaboration we aim to perform high-quality research concerning the detection, diagnosis, treatment and surveillance of T1 CRC in order to increase common knowledge and awareness and decrease the number patients that will be referred for surgery without any benefit. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the working group, want to participate in our working group or want to collaborate in future trials.
Welcome to the Dutch T1 Colorectal Cancer Working Group
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Small crowd wisdom
2nd T1 CRC Symposium
At January 17th 2020, a successful second T1 CRC symposium was held. Click here for an impression (photos).
T1 CRC working group meeting
The next T1 CRC working group meeting will be held at the 11th of June 2024 at UMC Utrecht.
Upcoming events
Please register via this link.. !